Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby Signs

Here's a short video of all the signs that Max is using these days. By far, I think the two that help Max the most are "thirsty" and "hungry." Sometimes, the first thing he does in the morning, when he sits up in bed, is sign "hungry." It's really fun to watch a non-verbal toddler get his point across without having to use words. There have been a lot of times that I wouldn't think to give Max some juice, but out of the blue, he'll just point to his throat and say something that sounds like "dee-deeeee" to the unknowing bystander. But in our house, we know what he means. I'm trying to teach him signs that are close to the real ASL, but sometimes they're just too complicated for little hands. (Like the sign for "more" is hard for him to form, so it looks like he's clapping. In context, however, we know that he usually wants more food.) All in all, I think using signs are a great way to introduce a way to communicate for a little person that can't speak clearly yet.


  1. And he looks more grown up too! Auntie Sis

  2. 100% agree!! my niece was signing she was hungry when she was 9 months or so! when she was a little over a year, she stayed at our place and in the morning, she signed everything she wanted for breakfast in the morning. it was so easy! :) when she was 2 she was signing her name. I love baby signing times! has max watched the movie or is it just from you showing him?

  3. I didn't know there was a movie! What's it called? I took three semesters of ASL in college so I'm teaching him things that I remember. If I forget a sign, I just look it up with a free video dictionary on the internet.
