Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last Day at College View

This week marks the end of two different schools that Zahra has been attending. Today was her last day at College View Elementary. She has been attending special classes at College View since she turned 3. The two different classes are the preschool Speech and Language Program and Adapted PE.

In the early days of Speech class, the teachers worked with Zahra solely on pronunciation. She would go over certain letters and sounds. (Her speech classes were twice a week, two 30-minute sessions: one on Monday mornings from 9:45-10:15 and on Wednesday mornings from 9:15-9:45.) Zahra even got homework, beginning when she first started attending the Speech and Language Program after she had just turned 3. Previous to that, she had been getting therapy that was funded by the state at a private institution. After age 3, the school districts take over and provide therapy for those kids who qualify. She had been getting various services for different developmental delays since she was a baby.

Eventually, Zahra learned to make all the sounds correctly and the teachers began to move on to whole language concepts (like "over" and "under," "beginning" and "endings" of stories, et cetera). They also worked with her on different things like volume and speed (as Zahra tends to talk very quickly -- they tried to get her to slow down). Though today was her last day meeting with the teachers at College View, she will continue to be followed by the school district when she moves to Golden View Elementary for Kindergarten. All preschool therapy sessions are held at College View, which happens to be close to our house, but Golden View is even closer.

Above is a picture of Zahra, waiting in front of the school. She has a paper monkey in her hand that she had made in Speech this morning. After Speech on Wednesdays, Zahra had Adapted PE from 10:00 to 10:30. She had also been getting physical therapy through the school district since age 3. Her teacher worked on a lot of different issues, such as her balance, walking up and down stairs with alternating feet, and throwing and catching balls. Through the years, they worked on issues through play using games like bowling, soccer, and baseball. I'm sure there are many more things that were covered -- but I can't seem to remember them all right now. Zahra especially liked her Adapted PE teacher and always seemed to look forward to meeting with her.

Here is Zahra, drinking her chocolate milk in the courtyard of the school, waiting for the PE teacher. I couldn't seem to get her to take any "serious" pictures today, she just kept being a goofball the whole time. Over the years, Zahra got many compliments from her PE teacher and her various helpers about what a fun kid she was to work with and how funny and creative she always was. It meant a lot to me to hear these positive things, because I know we really get a kick out of her at home, but it's nice to hear how much someone else enjoys being with your child as well.
Since she's gotten older and more mature, Zahra has seemed to get better at paying attention and listening to directions in PE. Although these little therapy sessions were separate from preschool, I think they were great opportunities for her to learn patience and other skills that will be helpful and useful when she begins Kindergarten in the fall. I am truly thankful that these types of services have been available to Zahra before she enters formal school. I think they have been a great benefit to her and have helped her overcome many of the obstacles that have happened to her, most likely due to being born so premature. Without these aids, I don't know where Zahra would be developmentally. We are truly lucky that the state and school districts continue to provide these services free of charge to kids in need.

You see what I mean about Zahra being a goofball today? I took a lot more pictures in front of this sign, but I kind of liked her little pose in this one.
Well, tomorrow is her last day at preschool, so we will be taking a photo or two in front of that school as well. I will also give updates about some of the stuff she learned there, although I kind of feel that I might not have as much to say. Today was a bittersweet one. I've enjoyed bringing Zahra to College View over the last two years and it was sad to know we won't be visiting there any more. I think Zahra really enjoyed her sessions and gained a lot from them. But it only means that we're now on to a new chapter in her life. Happy I can share these things with all of you... More tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures shown here are true Zahra! I loved the opportunity of accompanying you when you dropped her off and picked her up during several of my visits to HB. I saw firsthand how much Zahra enjoyed going there. And when she got out of her classes how she loved to jump and run around. On occasion when walking back to the car, Zahra would get distracted & find a small stick on the ground. She would begin playing with the stick like she had all the time in the world and would make a game up and forget we were standing there. We would coax her to get into the car because we needed to be somewhere else, and she just couldn't part with that stick. She would back up her reasons why she couldn't leave it behind, and so the stick would travel with us to the next stop. [Yes, we were safe with was put on the floor.] I love these memories. - Nana-Mommy
