I realize these aren't the best pictures to share, but there are two things we must remember:
1) It's hard to take a picture of a moving baby who constantly keeps falling over
and 2) it's the first day, so at least we caught these moments on camera!
He's sitting up for at least a couple seconds at a time,
but sometimes even as long as 20 or 30 seconds... pretty good for a beginner.
I remember Zahra fell over a lot more when she was learning to sit up.
Dear Vanessa - I can't tell you how much I enjoy these! It's more like you are a neighbor instead of so far away. They make me laugh and sometimes they make me teary even. Also, I was thinking--are you reading them to Zahra? I bet she would enjoy the ones about her especially. Please keep them coming. Love, Auntie Sis